What is Kundalini Yoga?

There are many definitions of Kundalini Yoga.  Here is a definition that resonates with me.  Kundalini yoga is a blend of movements, kundalini mantras, focused breathing, chants, and meditation that open spiritual awareness while bringing body and spirit into focus as one unit.

 What are Kriyas?

Kundalini Yoga sets are called kriyas and often focus on achieving a particular result such as helping a specific organ, body systems, glands, chakra, clearing negative emotions, stabilizing the mind, or balancing energy in the body.  Kundalini yoga gives you the technology to understand and expand yourself on many levels.

 Benefits of Kundalini Yoga 

  • Nervous System - Strengthens your nervous system and helps you deal with stress and pressure.

  • Mental Health - It will generally positively affect your mental health, particularly how you approach life situations.

  • Anxiety & Depression - Performing Kundalini will help you reduce the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder, prevent cognitive decline, and ease depression

  • Willpower - This style of yoga tends to awaken your inner will, assisting with digestion and processing emotions

  • Clarity - As with Gentle Yoga, Kundalini Yoga helps with brain fog and clears your mind of this fogginess. Your mind becomes crystal clear, focused, and alert.

  • Mindfulness - Practicing Kundalini, you experience mindfulness and a sense of inner peace. It will also help you control your thoughts and emotions.

  • Positive Energy - One of the excellent benefits is increased positive energy throughout your body. You will start to see things in a new light and feel a more positive attitude. Source: (https://www.anahana.com)