Happy 2024- Unlocking the Cosmic Symphony: A Dive into AstroFlow Alchemy

Introduction: Welcome to our cosmic sanctuary, where ancient wisdom meets modern spirituality. In this blog post, we embark on a transformative journey through AstroFlow Alchemy, a holistic approach to self-discovery, well-being, and personal transformation.

Section 1: Navigating the Cosmic Blueprint Delve into the celestial realm as we explore the profound impact of astrology on our lives. Learn how your astrological birth chart serves as a cosmic blueprint, guiding you through the intricate dance of the planets and stars.

Section 2: Kundalini Yoga - The Serpent's Awakening Embark on a sacred journey within as we unravel the secrets of Kundalini Yoga. Discover the transformative power of this ancient practice in awakening the dormant energy within, fostering balance, and promoting spiritual growth.

Section 3: Tarot Wisdom Unveiled Unleash the wisdom of the cards as we delve into the realm of Tarot. Explore how Tarot cards serve as insightful guides on your spiritual journey, offering profound revelations and illuminating the path to self-discovery.

Section 4: Shamatha Meditation - Cultivating Inner Calm Experience the serenity of a calm mind through Shamatha Meditation. Learn the art of cultivating mindfulness, enhancing concentration, and achieving a harmonious balance between mind and spirit.

Section 5: Journaling for Self-Reflection Uncover the power of journaling as a tool for self-reflection and personal growth. Discover how the written word becomes a mirror reflecting your innermost thoughts, emotions, and aspirations.

Conclusion: As we conclude our exploration, envision a harmonious fusion of cosmic energies and personal evolution. AstroFlow Alchemy beckons you to embrace the transformative journey within, unlocking the full potential of your mind, body, and spirit.

Call to Action: Ready to embark on your AstroFlow Alchemy journey? Join our community, share your insights, and let the cosmic symphony guide you to new realms of self-discovery. Stay tuned for more cosmic wisdom and transformative practices on our celestial blog!

Staying Calm in 2024 and Beyond: Let it Go! Let it Go!

Let it Go! Let it Go! is much more than the song from Frozen, it is abll about letting go of emotions that is holding you back from moving forward.  Check out some more tips below.  Let me know what you think.

Make Time for what you Enjoy! 

Are you constantly busy to the point where you are unable to enjoy what life has to offer? By being busy, you do not make the time to do the things you enjoy. When you live on purpose, you will notice that you enjoy most of your life.

By being busy, do you not make the time to do the things you enjoy. You operate on automatic pilot, constantly working on a never-ending to-do list. As a result you begin to lose touch with the things that bring you pleasure and joy. Life can come to feel like a lot of “have-tos” instead of “want-tos.” In fact, you may even forget what you enjoy!  If this is true for you, it will be harder for you to identify your passions.

Listed below are the six domains of life. In the spaces that follow each one, list two things you currently enjoy, two things you used to enjoy, and two things you might enjoy


  • Enjoy

  • Used to Enjoy

  • Might Enjoy


  • Enjoy

  • Used to Enjoy

  • Might Enjoy


  • Enjoy

  • Used to Enjoy

  • Might Enjoy


  • Enjoy

  • Used to Enjoy

  • Might Enjoy


  • Enjoy

  • Used to Enjoy

  • Might Enjoy


  • Enjoy

  • Used to Enjoy

  • Might Enjoy

Practice Gratitude through Journaling 

Being grateful is about much more than saying thank you – it’s about not taking things for granted and having a sense of appreciation and thankfulness for life.  People who are grateful tend to be happier, healthier and more fulfilled.  Being grateful can help people cope with stress and can even have a beneficial effect on heart rate.
Assignment: Each Day write three good things that happened. They can be anything you feel good about or grateful for. Try to include why you felt each of the things was really good. Do this for the next seven days.

Write a Letter of thanks. 

Studies show that expressing our gratitude to others can significantly boost our happiness. It can also have a powerful effect on the recipient and help strengthen your relationships.

Who are you really grateful to?

Think of three people who have been really positive influence in your life and that you feel really grateful to. They could be a member of your family, and old teacher, long-lost friend, colleague or something else who has made real difference in your life.

Think about the impact this person had on you and write a letter to tell them:

  • What specifically are you grateful for?

  • How did they help you?

  • How did you help make you the person you are today?

If possible, arrange a visit with the person and read the letter aloud to them. Otherwise post or email the letter to them and maybe follow up with a phone call.

Focus on your strengths

Understanding and using our strengths is about focusing on the things that come most naturally to us and that we love to do. Research shows that using our strengths is new ways can make us happier even after just one week!

Look for the good in people

It’s easy to take our nearest and dearest for granted. Constant criticism can be highly destructive, by we often fall into this trap, especially in established relationships.  But if we take time to bring to mind what we value and appreciate about other, we can both get more enjoyment from our time together. Research suggests we should ideally aim for five positive interactions to every negative one.

Say No 

“The more you say yes, the more you’ll have stress”

The Line-up Test – use to determine if you should decline a request or not.  To follow this test,  you take the time to look at your passions, visions and goals and compare it to the request.  Will fulfilling the request help you fulfill your own passion, realize your vision or reach your goals? If it doesn’t fit in the line-up then it goes into your “no” list.

Have a Happy Day!


Juneous Pettijohn

Staying Calm in 2024: Think Happy Thoughts!

I am a strong believer that the way you start your day will determine how your whole day will be overall. Intention is a strong purpose or aim that is accompanied by the determination to keep to that purpose until the end. I can show you how the power of positive thinking can help you in all aspects of your life through affirmations and help promote wellness in your life. Of course, it’s not just enough to say the affirmation, you have to apply it and do the work as well.

Wayne Dyer in his book The Power of Intention describes intention as a strong purpose or aim, accompanied by a determination to produce a desired result.

When all is said and done, let’s remember to stay positive.

Affirmation is making a positive verbal remark about oneself, either simply in the mind or spoken aloud. Effective affirmations are short, specific and stated in the present tense.  Affirmations should be able to be visualized in the mind.

Susan Jeffers, author of “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway” describes an affirmation as a strong, positive statement telling us that “all is well,” despite what the negativity of the mind may be saying to us.  With constant repetition of an uplifting and soothing statement, the voice of doom and gloom that roams through our mind is replaced with thoughts  of peace, power and love.  Yes…all is well.

Here are a few examples of affirmations:

  • My life has purpose.

  • I am open to abundance.

  • I am free of debt.

  • I respect my abilities and always work to my full potential.

  • It’s okay to be peaceful and ambitious at the same time.

Some simple steps to help come up with affirmations:

  • Pick a situation/goal/intention.

  • Say it in a positive, simple, present tense sentence.

  • Visualize and believe it

  • Relax and let it go!

Have a Happy Day!
